FVAS Dark Sky Park Map

  • For further information for viewing times, access times or special arrangements, for the park (and I'll get back to you as soon as possible) .

  • IT SHOULD BE NOTED HERE: That if you are not an FVAS member and are visiting the park after hours, security will arrive to close the gates, be sure the Astronomers are at the park as they will have key's to the gates should the gates be locked after an evening of viewing. Also note that Security also locks the washrooms at the park if no FVAS member is present. Check the Calendar and Discussion board as well for futher information about whether or not Astronomers will be there.

  • Garbage cans are provided throughout the park, and we would greatly appreciate it if you would do your part in making sure any litter is properly disposed of.

  • You can see our calendar for viewing times at the park.


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